Feature Type

Feature Type Name




A place where there is permanent human habitation and infrastructure serving as a base for scientific research.


Table Name


Australia's Implementation Table Names


SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica Feature Class

14 - Man-made features - Any kind of man-made feature, including historic monuments

None entered in defining this feature type

The following have been used in categorising this feature type

  • Infrastructure Services
  • Structure
Code Name Definition   Data type Values UoM Used by these Feature Types
1034 Comments Any additional comments. Optional character(100)     Types
1335 Country_code Country code as defined by ISO 31661. Optional character(3)     Types
1042 Dataset_Id An unique identifier of the dataset the feature belongs to Mandatory number(4)     Types
1046 Date_Est Date the object was established. If there is a gap in dates, these should be noted in comments. EG The date a station was established. Optional date     Types
1249 Date_Flag The type of date been stored, i.e.whether the date is approximate or definite, and for which component of the date is approximate or definite. Also includes seasons Optional character(50)
label Definition
Appoximate day in a known month and year
Approximate month in a known year The entry must be a full date, e.g. 1/1/2002, but only the month and year are valid.
Approximate season of a known year The season must be an Antarctic summer, autumn, winter or spring season. Enter season date with the approximate date of the middle of the season. Eg for spring 2002, enter as 15/10/2002.
Approximate year The entry must be a full date, e.g. 1/1/2002, but only the year is valid.
Definite day, month and year
Definite month and year The entry must be a full date, e.g. 1/1/2002, but only the month and year are valid.
Definite season and year The season must be an Antarctic summer, autumn, winter or spring season. Enter season date with the approximate date of the middle of the season. Eg for spring 2002, enter as 15/10/2002.
Definite year The entry must be a full date, e.g. 1/1/2002, but only the year is valid.
Pre year The entry must be a full date, e.g. 1/1/2002, but only the year is valid. The data was sourced before the year listed.
Unknown Value indicating that an attribute is not applicable or that it is impossible to determine
1250 Date_Use Date(s) that the feature was used or was present. Optional character(50)     Types
1251 Display A field used to select data for display purposes through a query. For example, data is too dense for display on a map at a particular scale. Australia uses this field to enter the scale at which the data is to be displayed. E.g. options are: 25000, 50000 Optional character(50)     Types
1109 Jurisdiction The name of the country that manages that feature type. (Country name must match ISO 31661) Mandatory character(50)     Types
1267 Name Name used to refer or label something. For example waypoints, buildings, and camps. Note: Name does not include SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica placenames. See the attribute SCAR_Name. Optional character(100)     Types
1150 Q_Info An unique identifier pointing to additional data quality information not included in the metadata record. Mandatory number(5)     Types
1090 SCAR_Gaz_Id Reference number as in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica Mandatory number(10)     Types
1127 SCAR_Name A placename name in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica. These names have been contributed by national gazetteers. Mandatory character(100)     Types
1186 Status The state or condition of a feature Mandatory character(50)
label Definition
Non-preferred This dataset has not been superseded but there is another dataset that is the preferred dataset for general use.
Seasonal One or more of the divisions of the year. E.g. summer
Under construction
Year-round All of the year
1196 Temporal Of or in or denoting time. For example, the period for which the data has been captured. Mandatory character(50)
label Definition
Annual The feature is an annual representation of the feature type
Monthly The feature is a monthly representation of the feature type
Perennial A natural feature that is generally present at all times of the year
Permanent A man-made feature that is continuously present or in use
Seasonal A feature that is present or in use during a certain period of time each year
Temporary A feature that is present only for a limited period of time
1299 Un_Locode The United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE) is a geographic coding scheme developed and maintained by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, a unit of the United Nations. UN/LOCODE assigns code elements to locations with functions such as seaports, airports, and other locations used in trade and transport. Each code element consists of five characters, where the two first indicate the country (according to ISO standard 3166-1) and the three following represent the place name. For more information visit http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/ Optional character(5)     Types