Map 11551: Aus 454 Australian Antarctic Territory - Wilkes Land - Mill Island to Cape Poinsett

Map details

Map Number 11551
Title Aus 454 Australian Antarctic Territory - Wilkes Land - Mill Island to Cape Poinsett
Edition -
Scale 1 : 500 000
Publication date October 1998
Publisher Hydrographic Service, Department of the Navy, Wollongong (Australia)
Spatial coverage (100.1333° -63.7500°) , (113.5000° -63.7500°) , (113.5000° -67.0000°)
(100.1333° -67.0000°)
Projection Mercator
Physical size 73 x 119 cm
Notes Small corrections between editions
Reference M5, AUS 454, INT 9020
Keywords Aus 454 , Mill Island , Cape Poinsett , Petersen Bank , Bunger Hills , Int 9020 , Chart , Nautical , Chart


  1. Link to the Australian Hydrographic Office Index of Australian Paper Charts and chart purchasing.

Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Nautical charts

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Vertical datum Lowest Astronomical Tide


Map extent