Underway Data Sensors

Voyage : 1992/93 V1 ( MONGREL )     - Link to additional Voyage details
Vessel : Aurora Australis
Duration : 17-Oct-1992 to 23-Nov-1992 UTC
Spatial Bounds :
42° 53.0' S
61° 20.0' E 147° 22.8' E
68° 49.6' S

Underway Data Sensor Information

Instrument Anemometer Serial No : Unknown AeroVane annemometer
Location : Mast
Accuracy : Wind Speed +/- ??m/s Wind Direction ?? Degrees
Resolution : Wind Speed ??m/s Wind Direction ?? Degrees
Output : Wind Speed 14.59VDC per 120knots, linear Wind Direction 1kohm potentiometer
Notes :
Instrument Barometer Serial No : DPA21 barometer 216063
Location : Met Lab
Accuracy : +/-0.3hPa range 800 - 1050 hPa temperature +5C to +55C
Resolution : 0.1hPa
Output : 500 to 1050 hPa and 3hour trend via RS232 port
Notes : Operating temperature -40C to +70C
Instrument Datataker Serial No : DT600_19623_ v4.01 (non PCMCIA) BRAY
Location : Met Lab
Accuracy : Analog input accuracy 0.15% of full scale Linearity better than 0.05%
Resolution : 15 bits plus sign, 1uV
Output : ASCII Serial Data RS232 at 4800 baud (N,8,1)
Notes :
Instrument GPS Serial No : Magnavox (Bridge-1)
Location : Bridge
Accuracy : 100m
Resolution :
Output : Serial data stream NMEA
Notes : Provides both GPS and Transit navigation
Instrument GPS Serial No : Magnavox (Inst Rm-2)
Location : Instrument Room
Accuracy : 100m
Resolution :
Output : Serial data stream NMEA
Notes : Provides both GPS and Transit navigation
Instrument GPS Serial No : 802545
Location : Monkey Aisle - Port
Accuracy : 100m
Resolution :
Output : Serial NMEA code 1 Hz
Notes :
Instrument Humidity Serial No : 521800/1
Location : Monkey Aisle - Starboard
Accuracy : accuracy <+/-1%RH, linear at 25C precision < 0.5%RH, long term stable
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : 0 to 1VDC equals 0 - 100%RH
Notes : temperature error +/-0.5% RH per delta 70C
Instrument Humidity Serial No : 216000/14
Location : Monkey Aisle - Port
Accuracy : accuracy <+/-1%RH, linear at 25C precision < 0.5%RH, long term stable
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : 0 to 1VDC equals 0 - 100%RH
Notes : temperature error +/-0.5% RH per delta 70C
Instrument Radiation - PAR Serial No : LI190SZ_Q11304
Location : Mast
Accuracy : Absolute error typically +/- 3%, Maximum error +/- 5%
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : Sensitivity typically 80uA per 1000W/m^2
Notes : Stability < +/-2% change over a 1 year period Response time 10us Temperature dependednce +/-0.15% per C maximum Cosine correction up to 80 degrees angle of incedence Azimuth <+/-1% error over 360 to 45 degrees elevation Operating range -40C to 65C
Instrument Temperature - Air Serial No : RSVAA4
Location : Monkey Aisle - Starboard
Accuracy : +/- 0.05C
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : 4 wire resistance
Notes :
Instrument Temperature - Air Serial No : RSVAA5
Location : Monkey Aisle - Port
Accuracy : +/- 0.05C
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : 4 wire resistance
Notes :
Instrument Temperature - Water Serial No : unknown_PT100
Location : Hull - stbd bow USW intake
Accuracy : +/-0.05C
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : 4 wire resistance
Notes :
Instrument Thermosalinograph Serial No : 914
Location : Oceanographic Lab
Accuracy : Conductivity: +/- 20 uS/cm Temperature: +/- 0.01C Salinity +/- 0.01ppt Specific gravity +/- 0.05
Resolution : Conductivity: 3 microSiemens Temperature: +/- 0.001C Salinity: 0.005ppt Specific Gravity: Sigma-T calculated to 0.001 Pressure: range 0-380dbar +/- 0.05 dbar resolution
Output : RS232 serial data 1200/300 baud, 2 scans per second
Notes :
InstrumentFlowmeter Serial No : Unknown K280 Flowmeter (1997 V2)
Location : Oceanographic Lab
Accuracy : +/-0.8%
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : 4 .. 20mA signal representing 0 to 2 cubic metres/hour
Notes :
InstrumentFluorometer Serial No : Turner Model 10 0629
Location : Oceanographic Lab
Accuracy : Dependent upon calibration
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : 0 .. 5VDC representing full scale 6 digital outputs representing scale and instrument status
Notes : Instrument provides a Relative value of chlorophyll A not an absolute value
IT DLS Computer Serial No : Qubit DLS
Location : Instrument Room
Accuracy : None
Resolution : unresolved
Output : questionable
Notes :
IT DLS Computer Serial No : NoQualms
Location : Instrument Room
Accuracy :
Resolution :
Output : Serial data stream containing met data for use by Qubit DLS when operating.
Notes : Installed to replace Steedman Met system. It collected all met data and logged it to local disk. Also sent met data to Qubit DLS in a format similar to that sent by the Steedman EMS-16. During non marine science voyages NoQualms (Non Qubit Automated Logging And Monitoring System) operated as the central logging system in its own right.
Ship Gyro Serial No : 1
Location : Gyro Room
Accuracy : +/- 2 degrees
Resolution : analogue output - limited by measuring equipment
Output : synchronous 3 phase signal
Notes :
Ship Log (ship's speed) Serial No : Ships log
Location : Hull - stbd bow USW intake
Accuracy : +/- 10%
Resolution : 0.005nm
Output : 200 pulses per nautical mile, sampled every 10 seconds 2-20mA ahead speed, 2-0mA astern speed
Notes :
Ship Pitch/Roll Serial No : Trimcube_038
Location : Gyro Room
Accuracy : 0.05degrees (mid point) 0.1 degrees (at +/-27 degrees)
Resolution : 0.01 degrees
Output : Range +/-30 degrees Output signal is RS232 serial at 1200baud
Notes :