
List of biodiversity data collections.

Restricted to Taxa group Krill

Included are those collections that are published via the DiGIR protocol to SCAR-MarBIN - SCAR Marine Biodiversity Information Network, OBIS - Ocean Biogeographic Information System and GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

The reference to SCAR-MarBIN is the count of records that fall within the spatial coverage of the SCAR-MarBIN portal. This was defined as the CCAMLR statistical reporting subareas (view map from SCAR Map Catalogue) but has now been extended to further north to include significant breeding sites such as Macquarie Island. See current region of interest map.

Collection NameCustodianView Map and DataStatistics
RMT Trawl catch from the 1990/91 V6 AAMBER2 voyage

Collected by RMT trawls during ANARE 1990/91 Voyage 6 AAMBER2 survey. 62 routine sampling sites were taken within the area 67 degrees to 78 degrees East, 65 degrees South to the Antarctic coastline, in a grid arrangement with approximately 30 nautical miles in latitude and longitude between sites. At each site the 0-200m water layer was sampled by a downward oblique haul with a rectangular midwater trawl RMT 1+8 net. Ten horizontal tows were also made with the RMT 1+8 to identify krill/zooplankton targets detected by the echosounders.

Taxa - Fish, Krill, Zooplankton,

Habitat Domain - Marine,

DiGIR Resource name [trawl_aamber2] Date activated - August 2010
Graham Hosie

Data Search page

Taxa: 65
Records: 1,486
SCAR-MarBIN: 1,486
Latitude: -69.0 to -64.0
Longitude: 64.1 to 84.5
Years: 1991 to 1991
Total records:     1,486
Records to SCAR-MarBIN:     1,486