Antarctic Taxa
all Species within 1.0 degrees of the position
77° 41' 00.0" S
168° 13' 00.0" E
Use the link on the Scientific Name to see full details of that taxa.
The Observations link allows the user to search for observations near this place.
Scientific Name | Authority | Common Name | Observations |
Acarospora gwynnii |
Observations |
Adineta grandis |
Murray, 1910 |
Observations |
Anabaena sp. |
Observations |
Aphanothece castagnei |
(BrÚbisson) Rabenhorst 1865 |
Observations |
Beltraminia stipitata |
Dodge |
Observations |
Biatorella chrysea |
(Dodge & Baker) Dodge |
Observations |
Binuclearia sp. |
Observations |
Binuclearia tectorum |
(Kitzing) Beger in Wichmann 1937 |
Observations |
Brachiomonas submarina |
Bohlin |
Observations |
Bryum subrotundifolium |
Jaeger |
Observations |
Buellia chrysea |
Dodge & Baker |
Observations |
Buellia frigida |
Darb. |
Observations |
Buellia johnstoni |
Dodge |
Observations |
Buellia pallida |
Dodge & Baker |
Observations |
Buellia subtegens |
Murray |
Observations |
Callidina angularis |
Observations |
Caloplaca saxicola |
(Hoffm.) Nordin. |
Observations |
Caloplaca sp. |
Observations |
Chamaesiphon subglobosus |
(Rostafinski) Lemm. |
Observations |
Chlamydomonas snowiae |
Printz 1914/? |
Observations |
Chlamydomonas sp. |
Observations |
Chlamydomonas subcaudata |
Wille |
Observations |
Chlorella sp. |
Observations |
Chloromonas sp./? |
Observations |
Chlorosarcina consociata |
(Klebs) G.M. Smith |
Observations |
Chroococcidiopsis sp. |
Observations |
Chroococcidiopsis sp./? |
Observations |
Coccobotrys sp. |
Observations |
Coccobotrys sp./? |
Observations |
Desmococcus sp. |
Observations |
Euplotes sp. |
Single celled animals |
Observations |
Gloeocapsa k³tzingiana |
Nõgeli 1849/? |
Observations |
Gloeocapsa sp. |
Observations |
Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni |
Springtail |
Observations |
Hypsibius antarcticus |
(J. Murray, 1907) |
Water bear |
Observations |
Klebsormidium sp. |
Observations |
Lecanora expectans |
Darb. |
Observations |
Lecanora lavae |
Darb. |
Observations |
Lecanora mawsoni |
Dodge |
Observations |
Lecidea ecorticata |
Dodge & Baker |
Observations |
Lecidella siplei |
(Dodge & Baker) M. Inoue |
Observations |
Lyngbya sp. |
Observations |
Melosira setosa |
Greville 1876 |
Observations |
Nanorchestes antarcticus |
Strandtmann. 1963 |
Mite |
Observations |
Nanorchestes bellus |
Strandtmann & Somme, 1977 |
Observations |
Nanorchestes lalae |
Strandtmann 1982 |
Observations |
Nassula sp. |
Observations |
Nostoc commune |
Observations |
Nostoc sp. |
Observations |
Omphalodina siplei |
Observations |
Oscillatoria sp. |
Observations |
Oxytricha sp. |
Observations |
Paralabidocera grandispina |
Waghorn, 1979 |
Observations |
Philodina alata |
Murray, 1910 |
Observations |
Philodina antarctica |
Murray, 1910 |
Observations |
Philodina gregaria |
Murray, 1910 |
Observations |
Phormidium corium |
Gomont 1890/? |
Observations |
Phormidium sp. |
Observations |
Physcia caesia |
(Hoffm.) F¿rnr. |
Observations |
Physcia dubia |
(Hoffm.) Lynge |
Observations |
Plectus murrayi |
Yeates, 1970 |
Observations |
Pleopsidium chlorophanum |
(Wahlenb.) |
Observations |
Pleuronema sp. |
Observations |
Prasiococcus calcarius |
(Petersen) Vischer |
Observations |
Prasiola calophylla |
(Carmichel) Menegh. |
Observations |
Prasiola crispa subsp. antarctica |
(Kitzing) Knebel 1936 |
Observations |
Prasiola sp. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon adarense |
(Darb.) M. Lamb |
Observations |
Rhizoplaca melanophthalma |
(DC.) Leuckert & Poelt |
Observations |
Rinodina fecunda |
Dodge |
Observations |
Rinodina sordida |
Dodge & Baker |
Observations |
Sarconeurum glaciale |
(C. Müll.) Card. & Bryhn |
Observations |
Schizothrix sp. |
Observations |
Scottnema lindsayae |
Timm, 1971 |
Observations |
Scytonema sp. |
Observations |
Stereotydeus mollis |
Observations |
Stichococcus sp. |
Observations |
Syntrichia sarconeurum |
Ochyra & R.H. Zander |
Observations |
Tisbe prolata |
Waghorn, 1979 |
Observations |
Trachelophylum sp. |
Observations |
Tribonema elegans |
Pascher 1925 |
Observations |
Tropidoneis laevissima |
W. et G.S. West 1911 |
Observations |
Ulothrix sp. |
Observations |
Ulothrix sp./? |
Observations |
Umbilicaria decussata |
(Vill.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Usnea sp. |
Observations |
Vorticella sp. |
Observations |
Xanthonema sessile |
(Vinatzer ) Ettl et Gõrtner 1995 |
Observations |
Xanthoria elegans |
(Link) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Xanthoria mawsonii |
Dodge |
Observations |
Xanthoria siplei |
(Dodge & Baker) Dodge |
Observations |
For additional taxa, see the Search Taxonomy page of Antarctic Biodiversity.