At any stage, you can move up or down the Taxonomic hierachy of Antarctic/subantarctic species by clicking on any name. Lower level taxon counts are shown in [].
Back to List of kingdoms
Kingdom | Plantae | |
Phylum | Bryophyta | |
Class | Bryopsida |
List of Orders
Archidiales | [1] | |
Bryales | [274] | |
Dicranales | [388] | |
Diphysciales | [1] | |
Encalyptales | [11] | |
Funariales | [24] | |
Grimmiales | [160] | |
Hedwigiales | [3] | |
Hookeriales | [65] | |
Hypnales | [533] | |
Hypnobryales | [14] | |
Isobryales | [1] | |
Leucodontales | [4] | |
Orthotrichales | [66] | |
Polytrichales | [42] | |
Pottiales | [275] | |
Rhizogoniales | [38] | |
Seligerales | [1] | |
Seligeriales | [19] | |
Splachnales | [24] | |
Timmiales | [2] |