Antarctic Specially Protected Areas and Antarctic Specially Managed Areas maps

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Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 167
Hawker Island, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 14499
Published On - February-2016
Scale - 1 : 200 000
Physical Size- 20 x 15 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 167
Hawker Island, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 15406
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 200 000
Physical Size- 20 x 15 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 167
Hawker Island, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica
Map B: Topography and Fauna Distribution View Map Details

Map ID - 15405
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 15 000
Physical Size- 19.8 x 14.7 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 167
Hawker Island, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica
Map B: Topography and Fauna Distribution View Map Details

Map ID - 14500
Published On - February-2016
Scale - 1 : 15 000
Physical Size- 19.8 x 14.7 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery, Mawson Coast, Mac.Robertson Land, East Antarctica
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 15420
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 475 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery, Mawson Coast, Mac.Robertson Land, East Antarctica
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 14350
Published On - March-2015
Scale - 1 : 475 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery
Map B: Topography and Emperor Penguin Colony View Map Details

Map ID - 14338
Published On - March-2015
Scale - 1 : 5000
Physical Size- 20 x 15 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery
Map B: Topography and Emperor Penguin Colony View Map Details

Map ID - 15419
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 5000
Physical Size- 20 x 15 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery
Map C: Helicopter Approach and Landing site View Map Details

Map ID - 15421
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 7500
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery
Map C: Helicopter Approach and Landing site View Map Details

Map ID - 14339
Published On - March-2015
Scale - 1 : 7500
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery
Map D: ASPA boundary points View Map Details

Map ID - 15422
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 7500
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Taylor Rookery
Map D: ASPA boundary points View Map Details

Map ID - 14351
Published On - February-2015
Scale - 1 : 7500
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 102
Giganteus Island (Restricted Zone)
Map C: Topography and Bird Distribution View Map Details

Map ID - 15409
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 5000
Physical Size- 20 x 15 cm
Vertical Unit - Meters

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 102
Rookery Islands, Mawson Coast, Mac.Robertson Land, East Antarctica
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 14354
Published On - 1-Mar-2015 00:00
Scale - 1 : 475 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 102
Rookery Islands, Mawson Coast, Mac.Robertson Land, East Antarctica
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 15407
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 475 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 102
Rookery Islands
Map B : Bird Distribution View Map Details

Map ID - 15408
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 57 000
Physical Size- 20 x 15 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 103
Ardery and Odbert Islands, Budd Coast, Wikes Land, East Antarctica
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 15410
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 230 000
Physical Size- 20 x 15 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 103
Ardery Island and Odbert Island
Map D: Helicopter Approach and Landing Sites View Map Details

Map ID - 15413
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 35 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 103
Ardery Island
Map B: Topography and Bird Distribution View Map Details

Map ID - 15411
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 8000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 103
Odbert Island
Map C: Topography and Bird Distribution View Map Details

Map ID - 15412
Published On - April-2021
Scale - 1 : 15 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

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