Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

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Maps of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

Showing 21 to 38 of 38 maps. On page 2 of 2, go to the Previous Page

Antarctica and the Southern Ocean: CCAMLR Statistical Reporting Subareas
Includes the Australian Antarctic Territory and year-round Australian stations View Map Details

Map ID - 14160
Published On - October-2012
Scale - 1 : 47 000 000
Physical Size- 17 x 24.4 cm

Antarctica and the Southern Ocean: main Antarctic facilities operated by the National Antarctic Programs in the Antarctic Treaty area (south of 60° latitude south) [Folding map version] View Map Details

Map ID - 13321
Published On - May-2006
Scale - 1 : 17 000 000
Physical Size- 42 x 59.5 cm

Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
CCAMLR Statistical Reporting Subarea boundaries and FAO Fishing Area boundaries View Map Details

Map ID - 14200
Published On - December-2012
Scale - 1 : 70 000 000
Physical Size- 20 x 20 cm

Antarctica in relation to Australia View Map Details

Map ID - 14481
Published On - September-2015
Scale - 1 : 48 000 000
Physical Size- 22.5 x 22 cm

Antarctica in relation to Australia
[With the Polar Front shown] View Map Details

Map ID - 14249
Published On - September-2013
Scale - 1 : 48 000 000
Physical Size- 22.5 x 22 cm

Base map of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean View Map Details

Map ID - 13351
Published On - January-2007
Scale - 1 : 60 000 000
Physical Size- 29.7 x 21 cm A4

Census of Antarctic Marine Life View Map Details

Map ID - 13186
Published On - September-2005
Scale - 1 : 60 000 000
Physical Size- 29.7 x 21 cm A4

Features of the Southern Ocean
Chlorophyll-a, fronts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and maximum winter sea ice extent View Map Details

Map ID - 14537
Published On - September-2016
Scale - 1 : 82 000 000
Physical Size- 18 x 18 cm

Kerguelen Plateau to Antarctica View Map Details

Map ID - 14033
Published On - February-2013
Scale - 1 : 4 000 000
Physical Size- 98 x 96 cm

Northern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current View Map Details

Map ID - 13009
Published On - February-2003
Scale - 1 : 70 000 000
Physical Size- -

Physical features of the Southern Ocean View Map Details

Map ID - 13063
Published On - February-2004
Scale - 1 : 65 000 000
Physical Size- 16 x 16 cm

Physical features of the Southern Ocean View Map Details

Map ID - 13011
Published On - September-2002
Scale - 1 : 20 000 000
Physical Size- 52 x 52 cm

Principal voyages contributing to the Census of Antarctic Marine Life View Map Details

Map ID - 13478
Published On - May-2008
Scale - 1 : 80 000 000
Physical Size- 16.5 x 13.5 cm

Stations in Antarctica
[with Australian Exclusive Economic Zones and southern continents shown] View Map Details

Map ID - 14243
Published On - August-2013
Scale - 1 : 55 000 000
Physical Size- 23.5 x 19 cm

Stations in Antarctica
[with Australian Exclusive Economic Zones and southern continents shown] View Map Details

Map ID - 14257
Published On - September-2013
Scale - 1 : 24 000 000
Physical Size- 54.16 x 42 cm

Stations in Antarctica
[with southern continents shown] View Map Details

Map ID - 14267
Published On - November-2013
Scale - 1 : 55 000 000
Physical Size- 23.6 x 18.9 cm

Subantarctic islands View Map Details

Map ID - 13991
Published On - September-2011
Scale - 1 : 100 000 000
Physical Size- 12 x 12 cm

Subantarctic islands [Black and white] View Map Details

Map ID - 13137
Published On - April-2005
Scale - 1 : 234 190 300
Physical Size- 5.4 x 5.3 cm

Showing 21 to 38 of 38 maps. On page 2 of 2, go to the Previous Page