Taxa from the collection - Phytoplankton samples - 2005/06 V3 BROKE-West Collection details
Taxa | Authority | Common Name | Link to profile | Collection Count | Link to data |
Acanthocorbis unguiculata | (Thomsen) Hara & Takah, 1984 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Actinocyclus actinochilus | (Ehrenb.) Simonsen, 1982 | profile | 6 | search data | |
Alexandrium tamarense | (Lebour) Balech, 1995 | profile | 44 | search data | |
Asteromphalus hookeri | Ehrenb., 1844 | profile | 16 | search data | |
Asteromphalus hyalinus | G. Karst., 1905 | profile | 9 | search data | |
Asteromphalus parvulus | G. Karst., 1905 | profile | 2 | search data | |
Asteromphalus roperianus | (Grev.) Ralfs, 1861 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Asteromphalus sp. | profile | 22 | search data | ||
Chaetoceros criophilus | Castrac. (Castracane, 1886) | profile | 18 | search data | |
Chaetoceros curvatus | Castrac. (Castracane, 1886) | profile | 26 | search data | |
Chaetoceros gaussii | Heiden & Kolbe, 1928 | profile | 4 | search data | |
Chaetoceros hendeyi | Manguin, 1960 | profile | 10 | search data | |
Chaetoceros peruvianus | Brightw., 1856 | profile | 3 | search data | |
Chaetoceros simplex | Ostenf, 1901 | profile | 17 | search data | |
Codonellopsis sp. | profile | 1 | search data | ||
Corethron inerme | Karst., 1905 | profile | 12 | search data | |
Corethron pennatum | (Grunow) Ostenf., 1903 | profile | 9 | search data | |
Corethron sp. | profile | 16 | search data | ||
Coscinodiscus bouvet | Karst., 1905 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Cylindrotheca closterium | (Ehrenb.) Reimann & Lewin, 1964 | profile | 42 | search data | |
Cymatocylis calyciformis | (Laackmann, 1907) Laackmann, 1910 | profile | 4 | search data | |
Dactyliosolen antarcticus | Castrac., 1886 | profile | 5 | search data | |
Dictyocha fibula | Ehrenb., 1837 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Dictyocha speculum | Ehrenb., 1837 | profile | 24 | search data | |
Dinophysis ovum | Sch¿tt, 1895 | profile | 2 | search data | |
Eucampia antarctica | (Castracane) Mangin | profile | 4 | search data | |
Fragilariopsis kerguelensis | (O'Meara) Hust., 1952 | profile | 46 | search data | |
Fragilariopsis linearis | (Castrac.) Freng., 1943 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Fragilariopsis pseudonana | (Hasle) Hasle, 1993 | profile | 37 | search data | |
Fragilariopsis rhombica | (O'Meara) Hust., 1952 | profile | 37 | search data | |
Fragilariopsis ritscheri | Hust., 1958 | profile | 10 | search data | |
Gonyaulax striata | Mangin, 1926 | profile | 2 | search data | |
Guinardia cylindrus | (Cleve) Hasle | profile | 1 | search data | |
Gyrodinium glaciale | Hada, 1970 | profile | 19 | search data | |
Gyrodinium lachryma | (Meunier) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921 | profile | 7 | search data | |
Haslea trompii | (Cleve) Simonsen, 1974 | profile | 39 | search data | |
Manguinea fusiformis | (Manguin) Paddock, 1988 | profile | 5 | search data | |
Melosira adeliae | Manguin, 1957 | profile | 11 | search data | |
Membraneis challengeri | (Grunow) Paddock, 1988 | profile | 6 | search data | |
Meringosphaera mediterranea | Lohmann, 1902 | profile | 6 | search data | |
Odontella litigiosa | (van Heurck) Hoban | profile | 1 | search data | |
Oxytoxum criophilum | Balech, in Balech & El-Sayed, 1965 | profile | 18 | search data | |
Parvicorbicula socialis | (Meunier) Deflandre, 1960 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Plagiotropis gaussii | (Heiden) Paddock, 1988 | profile | 8 | search data | |
Pleurosigma directum | Grunow, 1880 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Proboscia alata | (Brightw.) Sundstr¿m, 1986 | profile | 4 | search data | |
Prorocentrum balticum | (Lohmann) Loebl., 1970 | profile | 7 | search data | |
Prorocentrum sp. | profile | 26 | search data | ||
Protoperidinium antarcticum | (Schimp. ex. Karst.) Balech, 1973 | profile | 2 | search data | |
Protoperidinium applanatum | (Mangin) Balech, 1974 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Protoperidinium unipes | (Balech) Balech, 1974 | profile | 6 | search data | |
Pseudonitzschia lineola | (Cleve) Hasle, 1965 | profile | 8 | search data | |
Pterosperma parallelum | Gaarder, 1938 | profile | 3 | search data | |
Rhizosolenia polydactyla f. polydactyla | Castrac., 1886 | profile | 27 | search data | |
Rhizosolenia simplex | Karst., 1905 | profile | 7 | search data | |
Rhizosolenia sp. | profile | 2 | search data | ||
Rhizosolenia styliformis | Brightw., 1858 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Stellarima microtrias | (Ehrenb.) Hasle & Sims, 1986 | profile | 2 | search data | |
Telonema subtile | Griessm. (Griessmann, 1913) | profile | 5 | search data | |
Thalassiosira ambigua | Kozlova, 1962 | profile | 1 | search data | |
Thalassiosira gracilis | (Karsten) Hustedt | profile | 1 | search data | |
Thalassiosira maculata | Fryxnell & Johans. | profile | 6 | search data | |
Trichotoxon reinboldii | (van Heurck) Reid & Round, 1987 | profile | 41 | search data | |
Triparma columacea subsp. alata | Booth | profile | 2 | search data |