Map 122: Heard Island (1:1 million bathymetric map and soundings map)

Map details

Map Number 122
Title Heard Island (1:1 million bathymetric map and soundings map)
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 1 000 000
Publication date February 1995
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 70.0000° -50.0000°) , ( 78.0000° -50.0000°) , ( 78.0000° -54.0000°)
( 70.0000° -54.0000°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 59 x 73 cm
Notes The map was published as a double sided map. One side is 1:1,000,000 bathymetric map series map, international map of the world part sheets SM-42, SM-43, SN-42, SN-43. The other side shows soundings from which the bathymetric contours were interpolated.
Reference sm-42 sm-43 sn-42 sn-42 sn-43
Cat.No:S32 in 'ANARE Catalogue of Maps and Hydrographic Charts 1997'
Keywords Kerguelen Plateau , Southern Ocean , Shell Bank , Australia France Maritime Delimitation Agreement , Pike Bank , Discovery , Coral , Aurora , Mcdonald , Gunnari Ridge , Sm-42 Sm-43 Sn-42 Sn-43 , Sm-42 , Sm-43 , Sn-42 , Sn-43 , Bathymetry


This is a hard copy map that has been scanned. See information about obtaining copies of hard copy maps.

  1. Sounding lines (LZW compressed TIFF)
  2. Bathymetric map (PDF)
  3. Sounding lines (PDF)
  4. National Library of Australia Bib ID 2846998 (External site)
  5. Bathymetric map (LZW compressed TIFF)

Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Heard and McDonald Islands
  2. ANARE Catalogue of Maps and Hydrographic Charts 1997
  3. Bathymetric maps

Additional Information

No additional information available.


Map extent