Antarctic Specially Protected Areas and Antarctic Specially Managed Areas maps

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Showing 41 to 53 of 53 maps. On page 3 of 3, go to the Previous Page

Marine Plain : Satellite image map, Vestfold Hills View Map Details

Map ID - 13048
Published On - October-2003
Scale - 1 : 20 000
Physical Size- 61.5 x 67 cm

Marine Plain, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica
Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 143
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 14206
Published On - March-2013
Scale - 1 : 200 000
Physical Size- 19.8 x 14.7 cm
Vertical Unit - Meters

Marine Plain, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica
Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 143
Map B: Topography and Fauna Distribution View Map Details

Map ID - 14207
Published On - March-2013
Scale - 1 : 50 000
Physical Size- 14.7 x 19.8 cm
Vertical Unit - Meters

Marine Plain, Vestfold Hills, Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica
Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 143
Map C: Geology View Map Details

Map ID - 14208
Published On - March-2013
Scale - 1 : 50 000
Physical Size- 14.7 x 19.8 cm

Mawson's Huts, Cape Denison
Map A View Map Details

Map ID - 14251
Published On - December-2013
Scale - 1 : 10 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Protected Areas, Historic Sites and Monuments in the Australian Antarctic Territory View Map Details

Map ID - 13631
Published On - May-2009
Scale - 1 : 19 000 000
Physical Size- 29.7 x 21 cm A4

Rookery Islands View Map Details

Map ID - 12739
Published On - November-2001
Scale - 1 : 40 000
Physical Size- 29.7 x 21 cm A4

Rookery Islands (SPA 2) View Map Details

Map ID - 12738
Published On - November-2001
Scale - 1 : 20 000
Physical Size- 37 x 67 cm

Site of Special Scientific Interest No. 25
Marine Plain, Mule Peninsula, Vestfold Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land View Map Details

Map ID - 11
Published On - November-1993
Scale - 1 : 10 000
Physical Size- 55.5 x 96.5 cm

Stornes, Larsemann Hills
Map B: Geology View Map Details

Map ID - 13958
Published On - December-2013
Scale - 1 : 67 000
Physical Size- 15 x 20 cm

Taylor Rookery Specially Protected Area No.1 topographical map (A4) View Map Details

Map ID - 5109
Published On - September-1998
Scale - 1 : 5000
Physical Size- 30 x 21 cm

Taylor Rookery, Specially Protected Area No.1 topographical map View Map Details

Map ID - 5110
Published On - September-1998
Scale - 1 : 5000
Physical Size- 36 x 65 cm

Taylor Rookery, Specially Protected Area No.1, Orthophoto Map View Map Details

Map ID - 5111
Published On - September-1998
Scale - 1 : 5000
Physical Size- 36 x 66 cm

Showing 41 to 53 of 53 maps. On page 3 of 3, go to the Previous Page