State of Environment

Indicator 51 - Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of wastewater discharged from Australian Antarctic Stations

Index: Description | Data | Custodian evaluation | Related resources | Parameters


Responsible organisation

Australian Antarctic Division ( Australia )


No custodians.

Theme area

Human Settlements

Indicator type


Criteria the indicator satisfies

The following 11 out of 15 criteria

2. Reflect a fundamental or highly-valued aspect of the environment or an important environmental issue
4. Provide an early warning of potential problems
5. Be capable of being monitored to provide statistically verifiable and reproducible data that shows trends over time and, preferably, apply to a broad range of environmental regions
6. Be scientifically credible
7. Be easy to understand
8. Be monitored with relative ease
9. Be cost-effective
10. Have relevance to policy and management needs
11. Contribute to monitoring of progress towards implementing commitments in nationally important environmental policies
14. Where possible and appropriate, use existing commercial and managerial indicators
15. Where possible and appropriate, be consistent and comparable with other countries� and state and territory indicators

Date input

Daily measurements

Monitoring location

Geographic coverage


Temporal range of the available data, as described by the metadata record, is from 01-May-1995 .

22-January-1930 to 17-September-2024
Number of data points

To view or download any of the data, you must be logged in

Data quality, interpretation and analysis of indicator data

Data usage constraints

' This data set conforms to the PICCCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data. '

Data access constraints

' These data are publicly available for download from the State of the Environment Indicator URL given below. '

Custodian evaluation

23 May 2002

Figures for the three stations show considerable variation, exceeding plant specifications of 60 mg/litre for approximately 50% of the time logged (Davis and Casey) and for most of the time (Mawson).

22 Jun 2004

June 2004 - BOD results are well within plant specifications and the monthly trend seems to be down, which is encouraging.

18 Feb 2005

Mawson January 2005 - Hi Geoff, both the BOD and SS are around plant specs indicating the treatment plant is operating well. T.Bailey 18/2

30 Jan 2006

Mawson, January 2006 - Hi James, the suspended solids and BOD results for this month are well within the acceptable specifications for the plant. All seems well. A.McEldowney 30/1

3 Apr 2006

Casey March 2006 - Hi Lloyd, the suspended solids are within plant specifications, but the BOD is a little higher than the level specified. The result is lower than last month, and presumably the trend will continue lower next month with fewer people on station. A. McEldowney 3/4/06

16 Nov 2006

Mawson November 2006 - Hi Jim & Jo, no change from previous months. As has been the case all year, both the BOD and SS are well within the plant specs. This indicates that the sewage treatment plant is continuing to operate well. T. Bailey 16/11

3 Oct 2007

Mawson September 2007- Hi Jo, BOD and SS are well within plant specifications. A. McEldowney 3/10

16 Oct 2007

Casey October 2007 - Hi John, The BOD result is now back within the plant specifications, indicating the plant has recovered compared to previous results. Suspended solids is a little above specified level. Let's see how it looks next month. A.McEldowney 16/10

25 Feb 2008

Casey January 2008 - Hi Heleen, as has been the case over the last few months, both SS & BOD are very low and well within plant specs indicating the plant is going along nicely. T. Bailey 25/02

2 Jul 2008

Casey June 2008 - Hi Heleen, The SS and BOD are still well within required specifications, indicating the plant is still working well. A. McEldowney 2/7/08

8 Dec 2008

Casey November 2008 - Hi Heleen, both the BOD and SS are well within the plant specifications, indicating the plant is working well. A. McEldowney

15 Jan 2009

Mawson January 2009 - Hi Peter, the BOD and SS are within the required specifications, indicating plant is working well. A. McEldowney 15/1/09

27 Jan 2009

Casey January 2009 - Hi Trevor, the BOD is within the specifications required of the treatment plant, but the SS result is well above, probably due to increased load on the system at this time of year. A. McEldowney 27/1/09

23 Feb 2009

Casey February 2009 - Hi Trevor, as you mentioned in your email, both the BOD and the SS are above the plant specifications this month, probably due to the extra loading during summer. We should monitor the levels for the next month to see if they reduce to acceptable levels. A. McEldowney 23/2/09

22 Dec 2009

Casey December 2009 - Hi Kevin, the BOD is still well above the required plant specifications, and the SS is right on the upper limit. A. McEldowney 22/12

23 Dec 2009

Mawson December 2009 - Hi Anne, both BOD and SS are within plant specifications, indicating the plant is working well. A. McEldowney 23/12

22 Jan 2010

Casey January 2010 - Hi Kevin, the BOD is less than last month, so the effluent is improving, but both BOD and SS are still above the specifications of the plant. A.McEldowney 22/1

26 Feb 2010

Casey February 2010 - Hi Kevin, the BOD and SS are both still above the plant specifications, as they have been since November last year. The plant is not performing as it should A. McEldowney 26/2

29 Mar 2010

Casey March 2010 - Hi Kevin, BOD is now within plant specifications, and the SS is just above, so it looks like the plant is recovering. A. McEldowney 29/3

31 Mar 2010

Mawson March 2010 - Hi Jim, SS is above the plant limits while the BOD is well within speification. A.McEldowney 31/3

20 Apr 2010

Casey April 2010 - Hi Kevin, BOD and SS are both well within plant specifications. A.McEldowney 20/4

4 May 2010

Mawson April 2010 - Hi James, much the same as last month, the SS is still above the plant specifications, but the BOD is good. A.McEldowney 4/5

17 Jun 2010

Casey May 2010 - Hi Kevin, BOD and SS are both well within plant specifications, all is looking good. A.McEldowney 17/6

17 Jun 2010

Mawson May 2010 - Hi Jim, BOD level is good but the SS is still above the plant specifications. A. McEldowney 17/6

29 Jun 2010

Casey Jun 2010 - Hi Kevin, BOD and SS are both well with in plant specifications. Plant seems to be working well. A.McEldowney

27 Jul 2010

Casey July 2010 - Hi Kevin, both BOD and SS are within the design specifications of the plant, indicating it is working well. A.McEldowney

2 Aug 2010

Mawson July 2010 - Hi James, both BOD and SS are within the design specifications of the treatment plant, indicating it is working well. A.McEldowney

30 Aug 2010

Casey August 2010 - Hi Kevin, BOD and SS are both well within the design specifications of the plant. A. McEldowney

23 Sep 2010

Casey Sept 2010 - Hi Kevin, both BOD and SS look good this month, the plant is working well. A.McEldowney

30 Sep 2010

Mawson September 2010 - Hi James, BOD and SS results are with the required range again this month. A. McEldowney

25 Oct 2010

Casey October 2010 - Hi Kevin, BOD and SS values are well within the design specifications of the sewage plant again this month. A. McEldowney

1 Nov 2010

Mawson October 2010 - Hi James, both BOD and SS are within plant specifications again this month. A.McEldowney

17 Nov 2010

Casey November 2010 - Hi Kate, both the SS and BOD are well over the specifications of the plant. I'm guessing it has been overwhelmed by the influx of people. Let's see if it recovers next month. A.McEldowney

3 Dec 2010

Mawson November 2010 - Hi Anne, glad to see you made it! The BOD and SS results for this month are within the design specifications of the plant, so all looks good. A.McEldowney

10 Dec 2010

Casey December 2010 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS are both just over the limits specified for the plant, but have mostly recovered from the peak of last month. A.McEldowney

5 Jan 2011

Mawson December 2010 - Hi Anne, both the BOD and SS are within the design specifications of the plant this month, so all is looking good. SS is very low, could you have entered it as g/l, instead of mg/l? A. McEldowney

17 Feb 2011

Mawson February 2011 - Hi Anne, the BOD is a bit high this month, just over the limit but the SS is within the design specifications of the plant. Let's see if the BOD has recovered by next month. A.McEldowney

21 Feb 2011

Casey February 2011 - Hi Kate, the BOD is high again this month, well above the plant specifications. The SS is very low. A. McEldowney

8 Mar 2011

Mawson March 2011 - Hi Rich, this month the BOD is within plant specifications, but the SS is roughly double what is should be. The results seem to have been a bit up and down lately, but should settle down as head into winter. A. McEldowney

6 Apr 2011

Casey March 2011 - Hi Kate, the BOD and SS are both within the design specifications of the plant, so all is going well.

28 Apr 2011

Casey April 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS are again well within the ranges given in the design specifications, so the plant is still functioning correctly. A.McEldowney

6 Jun 2011

Casey May 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS are within the design specifications of the sewage plant again this month. A.McEldowney

30 Jun 2011

Casey June 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS are well within the plant design specifications this month, all is looking good. A.McEldowney

3 Aug 2011

Casey July 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS are again well within the sewage plants design specifications A.McEldowney

1 Sep 2011

Casey August 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS are looking good again this month. A.McEldowney

3 Oct 2011

Casey September 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS look good again this month. A.McEldowney

3 Oct 2011

Mawson October 2011 - Hi Rich, the BOD is within plant specifications this month, so it appears to be working well. A.McEldowney

9 Nov 2011

Casey October 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD and SS results for this month are again within the plant specifications. A.McEldowney

6 Dec 2011

Casey November 2011 - Hi Kate, BOD this month is within the specified limits for the plant, but SS is a bit over the limit. A.McEldowney

6 Dec 2011

Mawson November 2011 - Hi Lloyd, BOD level this month is within the plant's specified operating limits. A.McEldowney

1 Feb 2012

Mawson January 2012 - Hi Lloyd, BOD is within plant specifications this month. A.McEldowney

1 Feb 2012

Mawson December 2011 - Hi Lloyd, BOD is good this month. A.McEldowney

14 Feb 2012

Mawson February 2012 - High Lloyd, BOD and SS are higher than plant specifications this month, reflecting the increased load on the system. Hopefully next months figures will return to more normal levels. A.McEldowney

17 Feb 2012

Casey February 2012 - Hi Caroline, the BOD and SS are both high this month, probably an indication that the plant is struggling to cope with the large number of expeditioners on station. As the population falls, the plant should recover. Lets see what next months figures look like. A.McEldowney

26 Mar 2012

Casey March 2012 - Hi Sheri, BOD and SS are both within plant specifications this month. It looks like it has recovered from last months high. A.McEldowney

2 Apr 2012

Mawson March 2012 - Hi Malcolm, BOD is within plant specifications this month, but the SS is just over. A.McEldowney

23 Apr 2012

Mawson April 2012 - Hi Malcolm, BOD and SS are both within plant specifications this month. A.McEldowney

9 May 2012

Casey April 2012 - Hi Sheri, both BOD and SS are within specifications this month, the plant seems to be working well. A.McEldowney

23 May 2012

Mawson May 2012 - Hi Malcolm, the sewage plant seems to be working fine, BOD and SS are both well within plant specifications this month. A.McEldowney

12 Jun 2012

Casey June 2012 - Hi Sheri, BOD and SS are within the plant specifications again this month. A.McEldowney

3 Jul 2012

Casey July 2012 - Hi Sheri, BOD and SS are within the plant specifications again this month. Debbie Lang

14 Aug 2012

Casey August 2012 - Hi Sheri, BOD and SS are within the plant specifications again this month. Debbie Lang

18 Oct 2012

Mawson October 2012 - Hi Malcolm, BOD and SS are both within plant specifications again this month. A.McEldowney

24 Oct 2012

Casey October 2012 - Hi Sheri, the SS result is fine, but the BOD is just above the sewage plant specifications. A.McEldowney

21 Nov 2012

Mawson November 2012 - Hi Malcolm, the BOD value is within plant specifications this month, but the SS is a bit over specification again. A.McEldowney

21 Nov 2012

Casey November 2012 - Hi Nick, BOD and SS results are both within the desirable range this month, indicating the plant is working fine. A.McEldowney

7 Jan 2013

Mawson December 2012 - Hi Mal, BOD and SS results are both within plant specifications this month, indicating the plant is operating effectively. A.McEldowney

7 Jan 2013

Davis December 2012 - Hi Malcolm, the BOD result is within plant specifications. A.McEldowney

23 Jan 2013

Mawson January 2013 - Hi Mal, BOD and SS are again within specifications this month. A.McEldowney

29 Jan 2013

Casey January 2013 - Hi Nick, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month. A.McEldowney

22 Feb 2013

Casey February 2013 - Hi Chad, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month Thankyou Debbie lang

18 Mar 2013

Mawson March 2013 - Hi Lloyd, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month. Thanks Debie Lang

28 Mar 2013

Casey March 2013 - Hi Chad, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month Thankyou Debbie lang

18 Apr 2013

Mawson April 2013 - Hi Lloyd, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month. Thanks Debie Lang

21 May 2013

Mawson May 2013 - Hi Lloyd, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month. Thanks Debie Lang

12 Jun 2013

Casey May 2013 - Hi Chad, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month Thankyou Debbie lang

24 Jun 2013

Mawson June 2013 - Hi Lloyd, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month. Thanks Debie Lang

12 Jul 2013

Casey July 2013 - Hi Chad, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month Thankyou Debbie lang

15 Jul 2013

Mawson July 2013 - Hi Lloyd, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month. Thanks Debie Lang

5 Aug 2013

Casey July 2013 - Hi Chad, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month Thankyou Debbie lang

13 Aug 2013

Mawson August 2013 - Hi Lloyd, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month. Thanks Debie Lang

23 Sep 2013

Mawson September 2013 - Hi Lloyd, the BOD has risen from last month and is now slightly above plant specifications. Thanks Debbie Lang

3 Oct 2013

Casey September 2013 - Hi Chad, the BOD result is within the sewage plant specified operating range this month Thankyou Debbie lang

For definitions of the Scale categories, consult the Explanation of the Status Categories

Related resources

Project 996 - Assessment of the impact of human sewage effluent on benthic communities at Macquarie Island
Project 2202 - Modelling of wastewater discharge systems in the Antarctic
SOE Indicator 48 - Station and ship person days
SOE Indicator 50 - Volume of wastewater discharged from Australian Antarctic Stations
SOE Indicator 52 - Suspended solids (SS) content of wastewater discharged from Australian Antarctic Stations


The properties link can be used to view details of the parameters measured for this indicator.

Parameter Name Unit of measure Properties
Biological oxygen demand mg/l Properties

The following parameters and/or sensor notes are from the metadata record.



Related URLs
Citation reference for this metadata record and dataset
Download page for Australian Antarctic Data Centre