
List of biodiversity data collections.

Restricted to Taxa group Rotifers

Included are those collections that are published via the DiGIR protocol to SCAR-MarBIN - SCAR Marine Biodiversity Information Network, OBIS - Ocean Biogeographic Information System and GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

The reference to SCAR-MarBIN is the count of records that fall within the spatial coverage of the SCAR-MarBIN portal. This was defined as the CCAMLR statistical reporting subareas (view map from SCAR Map Catalogue) but has now been extended to further north to include significant breeding sites such as Macquarie Island. See current region of interest map.

Collection NameCustodianView Map and DataStatistics
Athropods, nematodes, rotifers, mites, tardigrades, fleas checklist

covers all sites and species groups

Taxa - Arthropods, Insects, Microbiota, Mites, Nematodes, Rotifers,

Habitat Domain - Terrestrial,

Dr John Gibson

Data Search page

Taxa: 195
Records: 642
Latitude: -84.7 to -53.0
Longitude: -175.0 to 174.2
Years: 1959 to 2002
Invertebrates compiled by W.Block

Observations taken from literature cited by W.Block. Data includes 800 species, 220 references and 3000 observations. There are some marine species that are listed in SCAR-MarBIN Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS).

Taxa - Insects, Mites, Other invertebrates, Rotifers, Tardigrades,

Habitat Domain - Terrestrial,

DiGIR Resource name [block_invertebrates] Date activated - March 2008
Bill Block

Data Search page

Taxa: 706
Records: 2,863
Latitude: -85.2 to 62.0
Longitude: -176.0 to 172.5
Years: to
Rotifers checklist

A checklist of 160 species from 10-15 bioregions.

Taxa - Micrognathozoa, Rotifers,

Habitat Domain - Terrestrial,

Willem De Smet

Search page to be constructed.

Taxa: 0
Records: 160
Latitude: 0.0 to 0.0
Longitude: 0.0 to 0.0
Years: 2004 to 2004
Rotifers of Macquarie Island

Thirty-nine species (31 Monogononta and 8 Bdelloidea) are described from Macquarie Island.Thirty-eight of these are new records for the island. Included in the data is the distribution of rotifers at Macquarie Island, in fresh water and Brackish and a comparative measurement of Keratella sancta from New Zealand, Iles Kerguelen and Macquarie Island.

Taxa - Rotifers,

Habitat Domain - Terrestrial,

DiGIR Resource name [rotifers] Date activated - Jan 2008
Herbert Dartnall

Data Search page

Taxa: 2
Records: 247
Latitude: -54.8 to -54.5
Longitude: 158.8 to 158.9
Years: 1990 to 1990
Total records:     3,912
Records to SCAR-MarBIN:     0