Antarctic Taxa
all Species within 1.0 degrees of the position
66° 17' 00.0" S
63° 47' 00.0" W
Use the link on the Scientific Name to see full details of that taxa.
The Observations link allows the user to search for observations near this place.
Scientific Name | Authority | Common Name | Observations |
Acarospora cf. macrocyclos |
Observations |
Acarospora macrocyclos |
Vain. |
Observations |
Acarospora sp. |
Observations |
Acineta ovoidea |
Observations |
Acineta rotunda |
Observations |
Alaskozetes antarcticus |
Mite |
Observations |
Alga sp. |
Observations |
Andreaea depressinervis |
Observations |
Andreaea gainii |
Cardot |
Observations |
Andreaea gainii var. gainii |
Card. |
Observations |
Andreaea regularis |
C. Müll. |
Observations |
Aphelenchoides vaughani |
Maslen, 1979 |
Unsegmented roundworm |
Observations |
Apotriophtydeus scotia |
Usher & Edwards |
Observations |
Arthrorhaphis alpina |
(Schaerer) R. Sant. |
Observations |
Arthrorhaphis citrinella |
(Ach.) Poelt. |
Observations |
Barbilophozia cf. hatcheri |
Observations |
Barbilophozia hatcheri |
(A.Evans) Steph. |
Observations |
Bartramia patens |
Brid. |
Observations |
Beetle sp. |
Observations |
Belgica antarctica |
Midge |
Observations |
Brachythecium austroglareosum |
(C. Muell.) Par. |
Observations |
Brachythecium austrosalebrosum |
(C. Muell.) Kindb. |
Observations |
Brachythecium sp. |
Observations |
Bryum argenteum |
Hedw. |
Observations |
Bryum cf. argenteum |
Observations |
Bryum cf. pseudotriquetrum |
(Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer & Scherb. |
Observations |
Bryum pallescens |
Schleich. ex Schwaegr. |
Observations |
Bryum sp. |
Observations |
Bryum subrotundifolium |
Jaeger |
Observations |
Buellia anisomera |
Vain. |
Observations |
Buellia grisea |
Dodge & Baker |
Observations |
Buellia pallida |
Dodge & Baker |
Observations |
Buellia sp. |
Observations |
Buellia subfrigida |
M. Inoue |
Observations |
Caloplaca millegrana |
(Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Caloplaca sp. |
Observations |
Candelariella cf. vitellina |
Observations |
Cephaloziella sp. |
Observations |
Cephaloziella varians |
(Gott.) Steph. |
Observations |
Ceratodon purpureus |
Dixon, 1914 |
Observations |
Ceratodon sp. |
Observations |
Cladonia asahinae |
Thomson |
Observations |
Cladonia cf. chlorophaea |
Observations |
Cladonia cf. pocillum |
Observations |
Cladonia cf. sarmentosa |
Observations |
Cladonia galindezii |
Ovst. |
Observations |
Cladonia gracilis |
Observations |
Cladonia pleurota |
Observations |
Cladonia pocillum |
(Ach.) O.J. Rich. |
Observations |
Cladonia sarmentosa |
Observations |
Cladonia squamosa |
(Scop.) Hoffm. |
Observations |
Cladonia subulata |
(L.) Weber ex Wigg. |
Observations |
Cladonia sulphurina |
(Michaux) Fr. |
Observations |
Clarkus sp. |
Unsegmented roundworm |
Observations |
Colobanthus quitensis |
(Kunth) Bartl. |
Observations |
Cryptopygus antarcticus |
Springtail |
Observations |
Cryptostigmata sp. |
Observations |
Cystocoleus ebeneus |
(Dillwyn) Thwaites |
Observations |
Deschampsia antarctica |
E.Desv. |
Observations |
Dicranoweisia antarctica |
(Müll. Hal.) Paris |
Observations |
Didymodon brachyphyllus |
(Sull.) Zander |
Observations |
Diphascon puniceum |
(Jennings, 1976) |
Water bear |
Observations |
Distichium capillaceum |
(Hedw.) B.S.G. |
Observations |
Drepanocladus sp. |
Observations |
Drepanocladus uncinatus |
(Hedw.) Warnst. |
Observations |
Encalypta procera |
Bruch. |
Observations |
Ereynetes macquariensis |
Mite |
Observations |
Eudorylaimus sp. |
Unsegmented roundworm |
Observations |
Eupodes minutus |
Mite |
Observations |
Eupodes parvus grahamensis |
Mite |
Observations |
Friesea grisea |
Sch¿ffer |
Springtail |
Observations |
Friesea sp. |
Springtail |
Observations |
Friesea woyciechowskii |
Weiner, 1982 |
Observations |
Gamasellus racovitzai |
Mite |
Observations |
Globoppia loxolineata |
(Wallwork) |
Observations |
Grimmia reflexidens |
Mull. Hal. |
Observations |
Halozetes belgicae |
(Michael) |
Observations |
Halozetes marinus |
(Lohmann) |
Mite |
Observations |
Hennediella heimii |
(Hedwig) RH Zander |
Observations |
Herzogobryum teres |
(Carrington & Pearson) Grolle, Oesterr. |
Observations |
Hydrodendron arboreum |
(Allman, 1888) |
Observations |
Hygroamblystegium filum |
(C. Müll.) Reim. |
Observations |
Hypnum revolutum |
Observations |
Hypnum revolutum f. pumilum |
(Mitt.) Lindb.; (Husn.) Ando |
Observations |
Hypnum sp. |
Observations |
Immersaria athroocarpa |
(Ach.) Rambold & Pietschmann |
Observations |
Kiaeria pumila |
(Mitt.) Ochyra |
Observations |
Lecania brialmontii |
(Vain.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Lecanora physciella |
(Darb.) Hertel |
Observations |
Lecanora sp. |
Observations |
Lecidea andersonii |
Observations |
Lecidea cf. cancriformis |
C.W.Dodge & G.E.Baker |
Observations |
Lecidea placodiiformis |
Hue |
Observations |
Lecidea sp. |
Observations |
Lecidella sp. |
Observations |
Lepraria sp. |
Observations |
Leproloma cacuminum |
(Massal.) Laundon |
Observations |
Lichen sp. |
Observations |
Liochthonius mollis |
Observations |
Mastodia cf. tesselata |
Observations |
Mastodia tessellata |
(Hook. f. & Harv.) Hook. f. & Harv. |
Observations |
Monhystera sp. |
Unsegmented roundworm |
Observations |
Nanorchestes berryi |
Observations |
Nanorchestes gressitti |
Strandtmann, 1982 |
Observations |
Naubates sp 2 |
Observations |
Ochrolechia cf. frigida |
Observations |
Ochrolechia frigida |
(Swartz) Lynge |
Observations |
Oppia loxolineata |
Midge |
Observations |
Orthotheciella varia |
(Hedw.) Ochyra |
Observations |
Orthotrichum rupestre |
Observations |
Pagodroma nivea |
(Forster,1777) |
Snow Petrel |
Observations |
Panagrolaimus sp. |
Unsegmented roundworm |
Observations |
Pannaria caespitosa |
Jorg. |
Observations |
Parisotoma octooculata |
Springtail |
Observations |
Parmelia cf. saxatilis |
Observations |
Parmelia saxatilis |
(L.) Ach. |
Observations |
Peltigera didactyla |
(With.) Laundon |
Observations |
Peltigera rufescens |
Observations |
Physcia caesia |
(Hoffm.) F¿rnr. |
Observations |
Physcia cf. caesia |
Observations |
Physconia cf. muscigena |
Observations |
Placopsis antarctica |
D.J. Galloway, Lewis-Smith & Quilhot |
Observations |
Plectus sp. |
Observations |
Pleopsidium chlorophanum |
(Wahlenb.) |
Observations |
Pohlia cruda |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Pohlia drummondii |
(C. Muell.) A.L. Andrews |
Observations |
Pohlia nutans |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Pohlia sp. |
Observations |
Polytrichastrum alpinum |
(Hedw.) G.L.Sm. |
Observations |
Polytrichum alpestre |
Observations |
Polytrichum juniperinum |
Hedw. |
Observations |
Polytrichum piliferum |
Hedw. |
Observations |
Polytrichum strictum |
Menz. ex Brid. |
Observations |
Pseudephebe cf. pubescens |
Observations |
Pseudephebe minuscula |
(Nyl. ex Arnold) Brodo & Hawksw. |
Observations |
Pseudephebe pubescens |
Observations |
Psoroma cf. cinnamomeum |
Observations |
Psoroma hypnorum |
(Vahl) Gray |
Observations |
Pygoscelis adeliae |
(Hombron and Jacquinot,1841) |
Adelie Penguin |
Observations |
Racomitrium sudeticum |
Observations |
Rhabdolaimus sp. |
Observations |
Rhagidia gerlachei |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon adarense |
(Darb.) M. Lamb |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon cf. geographicum |
(L.) DC. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon copelandii |
(Korb.) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon disporum |
(Hepp) Mull. Arg. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon distinctum |
Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon geographicum |
(L.) DC. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon sp. |
Observations |
Rhizoplaca aspidophora |
(Vain.) Redon |
Observations |
Rhizoplaca melanophthalma |
(DC.) Leuckert & Poelt |
Observations |
Sanionia cf. uncinata |
Observations |
Sanionia uncinata |
(Hedw.) Loeske |
Observations |
Sarconeurum glaciale |
(C. Müll.) Card. & Bryhn |
Observations |
Schistidium antarctici |
(Card.) L. Savic. & Smirn. |
Observations |
Schistidium cf. celatum |
Observations |
Schistidium occultum |
(Muell. Hal.) Ochyra & Matteri |
Observations |
Schistidium rivulare |
Observations |
Sphaerophorus cf. globosus |
Observations |
Stereocaulon alpinum |
Laur. |
Observations |
Stereocaulon antarcticum |
Vain. |
Observations |
Stereocaulon glabrum |
(Mull. Arg.) Vain. |
Observations |
Stereocaulon vesuvianum |
Pers. |
Observations |
Stereotydeus Villosus |
Observations |
Syntrichia princeps |
(De Not.) Mitt. |
Observations |
Teratocephalus sp. |
Unsegmented roundworm |
Observations |
Tortella alpicola |
Dixon |
Observations |
Umbilicaria antarctica |
Frey & Lamb |
Observations |
Umbilicaria cf. antarctica |
Observations |
Umbilicaria cf. decussata |
Observations |
Umbilicaria decussata |
(Vill.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Umbilicaria umbilicarioides |
(B. Stein) Krog & Swinscow |
Observations |
Usnea antarctica |
Du Rietz. |
Observations |
Usnea sphacelata |
R. Br. |
Observations |
Verrucaria sp. |
Observations |
Warnstorfia cf. laculosa |
Observations |
Warnstorfia laculosa |
(C. Muell.) Ochyra & Matteri |
Observations |
Warnstorfia sarmentosa |
(Wahlenb.) Hedenas |
Observations |
Xanthoria candelaria |
(L.) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Xanthoria cf. candelaria |
Observations |
Xanthoria cf. elegans |
(Link) Th.Fr. |
Observations |
Xanthoria elegans |
(Link) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
For additional taxa, see the Search Taxonomy page of Antarctic Biodiversity.