1999/2000 V1 details

General information

ACE CRC reference name

Cruise Name

IDIOTS - In Depth Investigation Of The Seaice

Voyage Classification

Marine Science


Aurora Australis

©AAD, Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 1997
Catalogue id
Pumping fuel to Mirny
McCormack, David (Dave)


Voyage Leader

Ian Allison

Deputy Voyage Leader

Tony Worby

Voyage Objectives

Polynya Study

Voyage Reports

No reports known - if you know of any, please contact the Data Centre and we can add them.


Hobart  13-Jul-1999  Port Arthur  14-Jul-1999 
Port Arthur  16-Jul-1999  Macquarie Island  3-Sep-1999 
Macquarie Island  3-Sep-1999  Hobart  7-Sep-1999 

See also List of sitreps - not guaranteed to work as voyage naming conventions are not consistent.

See the 1999/2000 Voyage Schedule for other voyages for this season.

Voyage track

Spatial bounds of voyage

42° 50.6' S
141° 45.1' E 159° 08.3' E
67° 11.9' S

Voyage Track map from the Marine Underway database, averaged every 15 minutes

Voyage Data and Activities

Biological Collections

List of collections of species data collected on this voyage. Some collections are voyage specific or might be from a wider set of observations or samples.

Collection NameObservation countLink to data search form
Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean cetacean program 7 Search
Electron Micrographs - Marine 20 Search
Seabirds of the Southern and South Indian Ocean 2890 Search
Southern Ocean Continuous Zooplankton Recorder (SO-CPR) Survey 1197 Search

Voyage activities

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler 477 profiles - Link to data at Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

Data from 17-Jul-1999 06:30 UT to 30-Aug-1999 13:00 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see POLYNYA_ship - Mertz Polynya Experiment, Aurora Australis science cruises au9807 and au9901, and Tangaroa science cruise ta0051 - ship-based CTD, ADCP, LADCP and mooring data at GCMD
Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) tows Number of segments = 358 - Link to data at Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) tows

Data from 18-Jul-1999 12:39 UT to 11-Oct-1999 07:29 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see AADC-00099 - Southern Ocean Continuous Zooplankton Records at GCMD
CTD Bottle Data 92 Stations - Link to data at CTD Bottle Data

Data from 14-Jul-1999 03:49 UT to 23-Aug-1999 14:20 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see POLYNYA_ship - Mertz Polynya Experiment, Aurora Australis science cruises au9807 and au9901, and Tangaroa science cruise ta0051 - ship-based CTD, ADCP, LADCP and mooring data at GCMD
CTD Cast Data 92 Stations - Link to data at CTD Cast Data

Data from 14-Jul-1999 00:00 UT to 23-Aug-1999 00:00 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see POLYNYA_ship - Mertz Polynya Experiment, Aurora Australis science cruises au9807 and au9901, and Tangaroa science cruise ta0051 - ship-based CTD, ADCP, LADCP and mooring data at GCMD
Underway Data & Voyage Tracks 471244 positions recorded. - Link to data at Underway Data & Voyage Tracks

Data from 13-Jul-1999 13:54 UT to 6-Sep-1999 11:09 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see 199900010 - Aurora Australis Voyage 1 (IDIOTS) 1999-00 Underway Data at GCMD
Whale Survey Data 13 Sightings

Data from 16-Jul-1999 02:41 UT to 5-Sep-1999 06:08 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see ASAC_915_2253 - Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean cetacean program at GCMD
Wildlife at Sea observations Observed 45 species from 3222 observations. See Species and observation count - Link to data at Wildlife at Sea observations

Data from 16-Jul-1999 00:00 UT to 6-Sep-1999 00:00 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see DB_WOV *** at GCMD


Science Projects

Note - this page lists projects where there has been some requirements logged. This may include requests that are not directly associated with any science performed on the ship.

Australian Antarctic Science Projects for voyage. Click on the project number to see Public details such as project metadata and Australian Antarctic Program publications.

7 Distribution, size and dissolution of Antarctic icebergs [observational]
40 The role of antarctic marine protists in trophodynamics and global change and the impact of UV-B on these organisms
187 Icesheet-atmosphere interaction and surface climatology of interior Antarctica [observational]
189 The East Antarctic sea ice zone: characteristics and ocean- ice-atmosphere interaction
472 Continuous plankton recorder survey [observational]
1074 Seasonal growth in krill
1090 Energy requirements and daily food consumption of crabeater seals in the Antarctic winter pack-ice
1101 Biology of the Mertz Glacier Polynya
1156 Sub-Antarctic zone mooring study of interannual variability in particulate carbon export
1165 Cold adaptation and functionality of the Antarctic Coastal Benthic Zones
2100 Factors affecting DMS in the seasonal ice zone
2206 Detection of thin sea ice from satellite-borne sensors
2208 Variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds in the Southern Indian Ocean
2223 The effect of the Mertz Polynya on Antarctic bottom water formation
2253 Southern Ocean cetacean program