Collection Details

Southern Ocean Continuous Zooplankton Recorder (SO-CPR) Survey

View list of biodiversity data collections

©AAD, Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 1993
Catalogue id
Deploying Continuous Plankton Reorder (CPR). Invented by Alister C Hardy. [See Hardy. The Open Sea Its Natural History: The World of Plankton pp.76-78]
Moncur, Rex

Collection Details

Dr Graham Hosie
Collection Acronym
A database of surveys to map the spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity of the plankton throughout the region.
Taxa Groups

List 125 taxa from this collection
Collection Status
Data collection ongoing
DiGIR Details

See International activities tab for details on publishing data to other repositories.

Resource Code: - socpr
Resource Name: - Southern Ocean Continuous Zooplankton Recorder (SO-CPR) Survey
Keywords: - Abundance, Date,Distance, Fluorescence,Latitude, Licor, Longitude, Month, Salinity, sea surface temperature
Basis of Record: - Specimen

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Data Details

Data links
Search the 127,499 observations belonging to this collection.
No map exists.
Spatial Coverage
38° 53' 06.7" S to 75° 50' 16.8" S | -38.8852° to -75.8380°
179° 59' 44.5" W to 179° 59' 46.7" E | -179.9957° to 179.9963°
Date Range of Collection
12-Jan-1991 to 27-Mar-2008
Data collected from the following voyage(s)
VoyageObservation countSearch
1990/91 V6 AAMBER2 (details) 606 search
1992/93 V7 KROCK (details) 71 search
1993/94 V7 SHAM (details) 157 search
1995/96 V1 ABSTAIN (details) 66 search
1996/97 V6 (details) 1602 search
1997/98 V2 ON-ICE (details) 1115 search
1997/98 V4 SEXY (details) 1233 search
1997/98 V5 (details) 2173 search
1997/98 V7 PICCIES (details) 657 search
1998/99 V1 FIRE and ICE (details) 249 search
1998/99 V4 SEXY II (details) 612 search
1998/99 V6 STAY (details) 1766 search
1999/2000 JARE 41 (details) 1731 search
1999/2000 KM0099 (details) 887 search
1999/2000 V1 IDIOTS (details) 1197 search
1999/2000 V2 (details) 749 search
1999/2000 V4 (details) 1518 search
1999/2000 V5 (details) 2367 search
1999/2000 V6 (details) 1095 search
2000/01 JARE 42 (details) 1554 search
2000/01 V1 (details) 734 search
2000/01 V4 (details) 1166 search
2000/01 V6 KACTAS (details) 2755 search
2000/01 V8 (details) 1374 search
2001/02 HM0102 (details) 1326 search
2001/02 JARE 43 (details) 2766 search
2001/02 TA0102 (details) 3878 search
2001/02 V2 (details) 778 search
2001/02 V3 CLIVAR (details) 1061 search
2001/02 V5 (details) 1363 search
2001/02 V7 LOSS (details) 2812 search
2002/03 JARE 44 (details) 1093 search
2002/03 V1 (details) 775 search
2002/03 V2 (details) 4507 search
2002/03 V4 KAOS (details) 4804 search
2003/04 ANT-XXI-4 (details) 2577 search
2003/04 JARE 45 (details) 390 search
2003/04 V1 ARISE (details) 154 search
2003/04 V2 (details) 3032 search
2003/04 V4 HIPPIES (details) 4157 search
2003/04 V7 (details) 2609 search
2004/05 JARE 46 (details) 2028 search
2004/05 UM0405 (details) 4733 search
2004/05 V1 (details) 2202 search
2004/05 V2 (details) 1581 search
2004/05 V5 (details) 1628 search
2005/06 JARE 47 (details) 990 search
2005/06 TA1 (details) 2390 search
2005/06 UM01 (details) 3188 search
2005/06 V1 (details) 3226 search
2005/06 V2 (details) 3787 search
2005/06 V3 BROKE-West (details) 2893 search
2005/06 V5 (details) 1213 search
2006/07 JARE 48 (details) 1321 search
2006/07 V2 (details) 1067 search
2006/07 V4 (details) 4739 search
2007/08 AF0708 (details) 421 search
2007/08 AMLR08 (details) 470 search
2007/08 ANT-XXIV-2 (details) 874 search
2007/08 JARE 49 (details) 1522 search
2007/08 TAN0802 (details) 3111 search
2007/08 UM0708 (details) 5646 search
2007/08 V1 SIPEX (details) 1068 search
2007/08 V2 (details) 1690 search
2007/08 V3 CEAMARC/CASO (details) 1460 search
2007/08 V4 (details) 3833 search
2007/08 V6 CASO (details) 1341 search
AADC-00099 - Southern Ocean Continuous Zooplankton Records
Tracking_BI - Satellite Tracking of Adelie Penguins Around Mawson Station, Antarctica