Indicators by theme

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Theme: Atmosphere

Indicators Type
  1 - Monthly mean air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations
  2 - Highest monthly air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations
  3 - Lowest monthly air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations
  4 - Monthly mean lower stratospheric temperatures above Australian Antarctic Stations
  5 - Monthly mean mid-tropospheric temperatures above Australian Antarctic Stations
  8 - Monthly mean atmospheric pressure at Australian Antarctic Stations
  9 - Daily records of total column ozone at Macquarie Island C  P 
  10 - Daily broad-band ultra-violet radiation observations using biologically effective UVR detectors
  11 - Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gas species C  P 
  14 - Midwinter atmospheric temperature at altitude 87km

Theme: Biodiversity

Indicators Type
  31 - Annual population estimates of Southern Elephant Seals at Macquarie Island
  72 - Windmill Islands terrestrial vegetation dynamics

Theme: Human Settlements

Indicators Type
  48 - Station and ship person days
  50 - Volume of wastewater discharged from Australian Antarctic Stations
  51 - Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of wastewater discharged from Australian Antarctic Stations
  52 - Suspended solids (SS) content of wastewater discharged from Australian Antarctic Stations
  53 - Waste returned to Australia P  R 
  54 - Amount of waste incinerated at Australian Antarctic Stations P  R 
  56 - Monthly fuel usage of the generator sets and boilers
  57 - Monthly incinerator fuel usage of Australian Antarctic Stations
  58 - Monthly total of fuel used by vehicles at Australian Antarctic Stations
  59 - Monthly electricity usage at Australian Antarctic Stations
  61 - Total potable water consumption at Australian Antarctic Stations
  83 - Quality of Potable Water at Australian Antarctic and Subantarctic Stations
  86 - Quarry Operations at Australian Antarctic Stations

Theme: Land

Indicators Type
  62 - Water levels of Deep Lake, Vestfold Hills