Antarctic Taxa
all Species within 1.0 degrees of the position
65° 00' 00.0" S
61° 05' 00.0" W
Use the link on the Scientific Name to see full details of that taxa.
The Observations link allows the user to search for observations near this place.
Any species that are protected are indicated by a *
Scientific Name | Authority | Common Name | | Observations |
Acrondontium antarcticum |
Observations |
Alaskozetes antarcticus |
Mite |
Observations |
Alloptes aschizurus |
Mite |
Observations |
Amandinea petermannii |
(Hue) Matzer, H,Mayrhofer & Scheid. |
Observations |
Andreaea depressinervis |
Observations |
Andreaea regularis |
C. Müll. |
Observations |
Astigmata sp. |
Observations |
Barbilophozia hatcheri |
(A.Evans) Steph. |
Observations |
Bartramia patens |
Brid. |
Observations |
Belgica antarctica |
Midge |
Observations |
Brachythecium austrosalebrosum |
(C. Muell.) Kindb. |
Observations |
Brachythecium austro-salebrosum |
(C. Müll.) Par. |
Observations |
Brachythecium glaciale |
B.S.G. |
Observations |
Bryum amblyodon |
Observations |
Bryum dichotomum |
Hedw. |
Observations |
Bryum pallescens |
Schleich. ex Schwaegr. |
Observations |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum |
(Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer & Scherb. |
Observations |
Bryum sp. |
Observations |
Bryum subrotundifolium |
Jaeger |
Observations |
Bucklandiella sudetica |
(Funck) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra |
Observations |
Buellia sp. |
Observations |
Calliergidium austro-stramineum |
Observations |
Caloplaca saxicola |
(Hoffm.) Nordin. |
Observations |
Candelariella vitellina |
(Hoffm.) Müll. Arg. |
Observations |
Catapyrenium lachneoides |
O. Breuss |
Observations |
Cephaloziella sp. |
Observations |
Cephaloziella varians |
(Gott.) Steph. |
Observations |
Ceratodon purpureus |
Dixon, 1914 |
Observations |
Ceratodon purpureus var. brevifolius |
Brid.; Milde |
Observations |
Chalara antarctica |
Cabello |
Observations |
Chorisodontium aciphyllum |
Observations |
Cladina laevigata |
(Vain.) Dodge |
Observations |
Cladonia cf. asahinae |
Observations |
Cladonia fimbriata |
(L.) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Cladonia galindezii |
Ovst. |
Observations |
Cladonia gracilis |
Observations |
Cladonia pleurota |
Observations |
Cladonia pocillum |
(Ach.) O.J. Rich. |
Observations |
Cladonia pyxidata var. neglecta |
(L.) Hoffm.; (Florke) Massal. |
Observations |
Cladonia sp. |
Observations |
Colobanthus quitensis |
(Kunth) Bartl. |
Observations |
Colobanthus sp. |
Observations |
Cryptopygus antarcticus |
Springtail |
Observations |
Cryptopygus sp. |
Springtail |
Observations |
Cystocoleus ebeneus |
(Dillwyn) Thwaites |
Observations |
Deschampsia antarctica |
E.Desv. |
Observations |
Dicranoweisia crispula |
(Hedw.) Milde |
Observations |
Didymodon brachyphyllus |
(Sull.) Zander |
Observations |
Diphascon pingue |
(Marcus, 1936) |
Water bear |
Observations |
Encalypta rhaptocarpa |
Schwaegr. |
Observations |
Euphausia superba |
Dana, 1852 |
krill |
Observations |
Eupodes minutus |
Mite |
Observations |
Eupodes parvus |
Mite |
Observations |
Eupodes parvus grahamensis |
Mite |
Observations |
Eupodes sp. |
Observations |
Friesea grisea |
Sch¿ffer |
Springtail |
Observations |
Fulmarus glacialoides |
(Smith,1840) |
Southern Fulmar |
Observations |
Gamasellus racovitzai |
Mite |
Observations |
Globoppia loxolineata |
(Wallwork) |
Observations |
Glomus antarcticum |
Cabello |
Observations |
Grimmia grisea |
Card. |
Observations |
Grimmia reflexidens |
Mull. Hal. |
Observations |
Halozetes belgicae |
(Michael) |
Observations |
Himantormia lugubris |
(Hue) M. Lamb |
Observations |
Isotoma (Folsomotoma) octo-oculata |
Willem |
Observations |
Ixodes uriae |
Tick |
Observations |
Kiaeria pumila |
(Mitt.) Ochyra |
Observations |
Lecanora polytropa |
(Hoffm.) Rabenh. |
Observations |
Lecanora skottsbergii |
Darb. |
Observations |
Lecanora sp. |
Observations |
Lecidea placodiiformis |
Hue |
Observations |
Lecidea sp. |
Observations |
Lepraria sp. |
Observations |
Leproloma cf. cacuminum |
Observations |
Leproloma sp. |
Observations |
Leptogium puberulum |
Hue |
Observations |
Lichen sp. |
Observations |
Lophozia excisa |
Observations |
Macronectes giganteus |
Gmelin,1789 |
Southern Giant Petrel |
* |
Observations |
Magellozetes antarcticus |
Mite |
Observations |
moss sp. |
Observations |
Muelleriella crassifolia |
(Hook.f. & Wilson) Dus¿n |
Observations |
Nanorchestes berryi |
Observations |
Nanorchestes gressitti |
Strandtmann, 1982 |
Observations |
nematode sp. |
Observations |
Nostoc commune |
Observations |
Ochrolechia frigida |
(Swartz) Lynge |
Observations |
Oppia loxolineata |
Midge |
Observations |
Orthotheciella varia |
(Hedw.) Ochyra |
Observations |
Orthotrichum rupestre |
Observations |
Pagodroma nivea |
(Forster,1777) |
Snow Petrel |
Observations |
Parisotoma octooculata |
Springtail |
Observations |
Parmelia saxatilis |
(L.) Ach. |
Observations |
Pectinopygus turbinatus |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Phialophora dancoii |
Cabello |
Observations |
Physcia caesia |
(Hoffm.) F¿rnr. |
Observations |
Physcia sp. |
Observations |
Pleopsidium chlorophanum |
(Wahlenb.) |
Observations |
Pohlia cf. minor |
Observations |
Pohlia cf. nutans |
Observations |
Pohlia cruda |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Pohlia cruda var. cruda |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Pohlia drummondii |
(C. Muell.) A.L. Andrews |
Observations |
Pohlia inflexa |
Observations |
Pohlia nutans |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Polytrichastrum alpinum |
(Hedw.) G.L.Sm. |
Observations |
Polytrichum alpestre |
Observations |
Polytrichum alpinum |
Heedw. |
Observations |
Polytrichum piliferum |
Hedw. |
Observations |
Polytrichum strictum |
Menz. ex Brid. |
Observations |
Pretriophtydeus tilbrooki |
(Strandtmann, 1967) |
Observations |
Procerodes wandeli |
Observations |
Pseudephebe minuscula |
(Nyl. ex Arnold) Brodo & Hawksw. |
Observations |
Pseudephebe pubescens |
Observations |
Pygoscelis antarctica |
(Forster,1781) |
Chinstrap Penguin |
Observations |
Pygoscelis papua |
(Forster,1781) |
Gentoo Penguin |
* |
Observations |
Racomitrium sudeticum |
Observations |
Rhagidia gerlachei |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon sp. |
Observations |
Rhizoplaca aspidophora |
(Vain.) Redon |
Observations |
Rhizoplaca melanophthalma |
(DC.) Leuckert & Poelt |
Observations |
Rinodina sp. |
Observations |
Sanionia plicata |
(Dixon) Ochyra |
Observations |
Sanionia uncinata |
(Hedw.) Loeske |
Observations |
Sarconeurum glaciale |
(C. Müll.) Card. & Bryhn |
Observations |
Schistidium antarctici |
(Card.) L. Savic. & Smirn. |
Observations |
Schistidium rivulare |
Observations |
Schizymenium austrogeorgicum |
(C. Muell.) Shaw |
Observations |
Schizymenium pusillum |
(Hook. f. & Wils.) Shaw |
Observations |
Stereocaulon antarcticum |
Vain. |
Observations |
Stereocaulon vesuvianum |
Pers. |
Observations |
Stereotydeus reticulatus |
Strandtmann, 1970 |
Observations |
Stereotydeus Villosus |
Observations |
Syntrichia princeps |
(De Not.) Mitt. |
Observations |
Tortella alpicola |
Dixon |
Observations |
Tortula hoppeana |
(Shultz) Ochyra |
Observations |
Turgidosculum tessellata |
Observations |
Umbilicaria antarctica |
Frey & Lamb |
Observations |
Umbilicaria aprina |
Nyl. |
Observations |
Umbilicaria decussata |
(Vill.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Umbilicaria umbilicarioides |
(B. Stein) Krog & Swinscow |
Observations |
Usnea antarctica |
Du Rietz. |
Observations |
Usnea aurantiaco-atra |
(Jacq.) Bory |
Observations |
Usnea sphacelata |
R. Br. |
Observations |
Verrucaria psychrophila |
M. Lamb |
Observations |
Verrucaria sp. |
Observations |
Warnstorfia laculosa |
(C. Muell.) Ochyra & Matteri |
Observations |
Xanthoria candelaria |
(L.) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Xanthoria elegans |
(Link) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Zachvatkinia hydrobatidii |
Dubinin 1949 |
Mite |
Observations |
For additional taxa, see the Search Taxonomy page of Antarctic Biodiversity.