Antarctic Taxa
all Species within 1.0 degrees of the position
65° 49' 00.0" S
62° 36' 00.0" W
Use the link on the Scientific Name to see full details of that taxa.
The Observations link allows the user to search for observations near this place.
Any species that are protected are indicated by a *
Scientific Name | Authority | Common Name | | Observations |
Acarospora gwynnii |
Observations |
Acarospora macrocyclos |
Vain. |
Observations |
Acarospora tyleri |
Dodge |
Observations |
Acineta ovoidea |
Observations |
Acineta rotunda |
Observations |
Alaskozetes antarcticus |
Mite |
Observations |
Alga sp. |
Observations |
Alloptes obtusolobus |
Mite |
Observations |
Amandinea coniops |
(Wahlenb. in Ach.) Scheidegger & Mayrh. |
Observations |
Amandinea petermannii |
(Hue) Matzer, H,Mayrhofer & Scheid. |
Observations |
Andreaea gainii |
Cardot |
Observations |
Andreaea gainii var. gainii |
Card. |
Observations |
Andreaea regularis |
C. Müll. |
Observations |
Arthrorhaphis alpina |
(Schaerer) R. Sant. |
Observations |
Arthrorhaphis citrinella |
(Ach.) Poelt. |
Observations |
Austromenopon oschei |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Bartramia patens |
Brid. |
Observations |
Belgica antarctica |
Midge |
Observations |
Brachythecium austroglareosum |
(C. Muell.) Par. |
Observations |
Brachythecium austrosalebrosum |
(C. Muell.) Kindb. |
Observations |
Brachythecium sp. |
Observations |
Bryum amblyodon |
Observations |
Bryum argenteum |
Hedw. |
Observations |
Bryum pallescens |
Schleich. ex Schwaegr. |
Observations |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum |
(Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer & Scherb. |
Observations |
Bryum sp. |
Observations |
Buellia anisomera |
Vain. |
Observations |
Buellia augusta |
Vain. |
Observations |
Buellia gainii |
(Hue) Darb. |
Observations |
Buellia granulosa |
(Darb.) Dodge |
Observations |
Buellia latemarginata |
Observations |
Buellia perlata |
(Hue) Darb. |
Observations |
Buellia russa |
(Hue) Darb. |
Observations |
Buellia russa var. liouvillei |
(Hue) M. Lamb |
Observations |
Buellia sp. |
Observations |
Buellia subfrigida |
M. Inoue |
Observations |
Buellia subpedicellata |
Observations |
Calliergidium sp. |
Observations |
Calliergon sp. |
Observations |
Caloplaca cf. saxicola |
(Hoffm.) Nordin |
Observations |
Caloplaca lucens |
(Nyl.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Caloplaca regalis |
(Vain.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Caloplaca sp. |
Observations |
Candelariella sp. |
Observations |
Ceratodon purpureus |
Dixon, 1914 |
Observations |
Ceratodon sp. |
Observations |
Cladina sp. |
Observations |
Cladonia cf. pocillum |
Observations |
Cladonia cf. sarmentosa |
Observations |
Cladonia pocillum |
(Ach.) O.J. Rich. |
Observations |
Cladonia sp. |
Observations |
Cladonia subulata |
(L.) Weber ex Wigg. |
Observations |
Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum |
(Nyl.) Blomb. & Forssell |
Observations |
Deschampsia antarctica |
E.Desv. |
Observations |
Dicranoweisia antarctica |
(Müll. Hal.) Paris |
Observations |
Dicranoweisia crispula |
(Hedw.) Milde |
Observations |
Didymodon sp. |
Observations |
Distichium capillaceum |
(Hedw.) B.S.G. |
Observations |
Drepanocladus sp. |
Observations |
Drepanocladus uncinatus |
(Hedw.) Warnst. |
Observations |
Encalypta procera |
Bruch. |
Observations |
Enchytraid worm sp. |
Observations |
Euphausia superba |
Dana, 1852 |
krill |
Observations |
Flatworm sp. |
Observations |
Gamasellus racovitzai |
Mite |
Observations |
Gasparrinia gainii |
(Hue) Dodge |
Observations |
Gasparrinia joannae |
(Hue) Dodge & Baker |
Observations |
Grimmia cf. grisea |
Observations |
Haffneria grandis |
Pizget 1880 |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Halarachne miroungae |
Nasal mite |
Observations |
Halozetes belgicae |
(Michael) |
Observations |
Himantormia lugubris |
(Hue) M. Lamb |
Observations |
Hydrodendron arboreum |
(Allman, 1888) |
Observations |
Hygroamblystegium filum |
(C. Müll.) Reim. |
Observations |
Hypnum revolutum |
Observations |
Hypnum sp. |
Observations |
Immersaria athroocarpa |
(Ach.) Rambold & Pietschmann |
Observations |
Kuttlingeria siplei |
Dodge |
Observations |
Lecania racovitzae |
(Vain.) Darb. |
Observations |
Lecanora physciella |
(Darb.) Hertel |
Observations |
Lecanora polytropa |
(Hoffm.) Rabenh. |
Observations |
Lecidea acervuligera |
Hue |
Observations |
Lecidea cf. cancriformis |
C.W.Dodge & G.E.Baker |
Observations |
Lecidea monocarpa |
Hue |
Observations |
Lecidea rufonigerrima |
Hue |
Observations |
Lecidella sp. |
Observations |
Lepidophthirus macrorhini |
Enderlein, 1904 |
Observations |
Lepraria sp. |
Observations |
Leproloma cacuminum |
(Massal.) Laundon |
Observations |
Leproloma sp. |
Observations |
Lichen sp. |
Observations |
Massalongia intricata |
Ovst. |
Observations |
Mastodia sp. |
Observations |
Mycobilimbia sp. |
Observations |
Naubates sp 2 |
Observations |
Ochrolechia frigida |
(Swartz) Lynge |
Observations |
Ochrolechia parella |
(L.) Massal. |
Observations |
Oppia loxolineata |
Midge |
Observations |
Pagodroma nivea |
(Forster,1777) |
Snow Petrel |
Observations |
Pannaria caespitosa |
Jorg. |
Observations |
Pannaria hookeri |
(Borr.ex Sm.) Nyl. |
Observations |
Paraclisis obscura |
(Rudow, 1869) |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Parmelia saxatilis |
(L.) Ach. |
Observations |
Pectinopygus turbinatus |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Perineus nigrolimbatus |
(Giebel, 1874) |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Physcia caesia |
(Hoffm.) F¿rnr. |
Observations |
Physcia cf. dubia |
Observations |
Piagetiella caputincisa |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Placopsis antarctica |
D.J. Galloway, Lewis-Smith & Quilhot |
Observations |
Placopsis contortuplicata |
M. Lamb |
Observations |
Platydictya jungermannioides |
(Brid.) Crum |
Observations |
Pleopsidium chlorophanum |
(Wahlenb.) |
Observations |
Pohlia cruda |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Pohlia cruda var. cruda |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Pohlia nutans |
(Hedw.) Lindb. |
Observations |
Pohlia sp. |
Observations |
Polytrichastrum alpinum |
(Hedw.) G.L.Sm. |
Observations |
Polytrichum piliferum |
Hedw. |
Observations |
Polytrichum strictum |
Menz. ex Brid. |
Observations |
Pseudephebe minuscula |
(Nyl. ex Arnold) Brodo & Hawksw. |
Observations |
Pseudephebe pubescens |
Observations |
Pseudoheppia sp. |
Observations |
Pseudonirmus charcoti |
Newman 1907 |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Pseudonirmus gurlti |
(Taschenberg, 1882) |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Pygoscelis adeliae |
(Hombron and Jacquinot,1841) |
Adelie Penguin |
Observations |
Pygoscelis antarctica |
(Forster,1781) |
Chinstrap Penguin |
Observations |
Pygoscelis papua |
(Forster,1781) |
Gentoo Penguin |
* |
Observations |
Quadraceps antarcticus |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon adarense |
(Darb.) M. Lamb |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon copelandii |
(Korb.) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon disporum |
(Hepp) Mull. Arg. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon distinctum |
Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon geographicum |
(L.) DC. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon melanostictum |
(Hue) Darb. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon sp. |
Observations |
Rhizocarpon superficiale |
(Schaer.) Vain. |
Observations |
Rhizoplaca melanophthalma |
(DC.) Leuckert & Poelt |
Observations |
Rhizoplaca sp. |
Observations |
Saemundssonia bicolor |
(Rudow, 1870) |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Saemundssonia lari |
(Fabricius, 1780) |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Saemundssonia lockleyi |
Clay, 1949 |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Saemundssonia nivea |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Saemundssonia stresmanni |
Bird louse |
Observations |
Sanionia cf. uncinata |
Observations |
Sanionia uncinata |
(Hedw.) Loeske |
Observations |
Schistidium antarctici |
(Card.) L. Savic. & Smirn. |
Observations |
Schistidium cf. celatum |
Observations |
Schistidium sp. |
Observations |
snail sp. |
Observations |
Sphaerophorus globosus |
(Huds.) Vain. |
Observations |
Sphaerophorus sp. |
Observations |
Staurothele gelida |
(Hook. f. & Tayl.) M. Lamb |
Observations |
Stereocaulon antarcticum |
Vain. |
Observations |
Stereocaulon glabrum |
(Mull. Arg.) Vain. |
Observations |
Stereocaulon sp. |
Observations |
Stereocaulon vesuvianum |
Pers. |
Observations |
Syntrichia princeps |
(De Not.) Mitt. |
Observations |
Tortella alpicola |
Dixon |
Observations |
Tremolecia atrata |
(Ach.) Hertel |
Observations |
Umbilicaria antarctica |
Frey & Lamb |
Observations |
Umbilicaria aprina |
Nyl. |
Observations |
Umbilicaria cf. antarctica |
Observations |
Umbilicaria cf. decussata |
Observations |
Umbilicaria decussata |
(Vill.) Zahlbr. |
Observations |
Umbilicaria umbilicarioides |
(B. Stein) Krog & Swinscow |
Observations |
Usnea antarctica |
Du Rietz. |
Observations |
Usnea aurantiaco-atra |
(Jacq.) Bory |
Observations |
Usnea sphacelata |
R. Br. |
Observations |
Warnstorfia laculosa |
(C. Muell.) Ochyra & Matteri |
Observations |
Xanthoria candelaria |
(L.) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
Xanthoria cf. elegans |
(Link) Th.Fr. |
Observations |
Xanthoria elegans |
(Link) Th. Fr. |
Observations |
For additional taxa, see the Search Taxonomy page of Antarctic Biodiversity.