Antarctic Taxa
all Species within 1.0 degrees of the position
64° 52' 00.0" S
86° 10' 00.0" E
Use the link on the Scientific Name to see full details of that taxa.
The Observations link allows the user to search for observations near this place.
Any species that are protected are indicated by a *
Scientific Name | Authority | Common Name | | Observations |
Aptenodytes forsteri |
Gray, 1844 |
Emperor Penguin |
Observations |
Balaenoptera acutorostrata |
Laciphde,1804 |
Minke Whale |
* |
Observations |
Balaenoptera bonaerensis |
Burmeister, 1867 |
Antarctic Minke Whale, Dark-shoulder Minke Whale |
* |
Observations |
Balaenoptera musculus |
(Linnaeus,1758) |
Blue Whale |
* |
Observations |
Balaenoptera physalus |
Linnaeus,1758 |
Fin Whale |
* |
Observations |
Calanoides acutus |
(Giesbrecht,1902) |
Observations |
Calanus propinquus |
Brady,1883 |
Observations |
Calycopsis borchgrewinki |
(Browne, 1910) |
Observations |
Catharacta maccormicki |
(Saunders,1893) |
South Polar Skua |
Observations |
Clausocalanus brevipes |
Frost and Fleminger, 1968 |
Observations |
Clausocalanus laticeps |
Farren, 1929 |
Observations |
Clio pyramidata |
Linnaeus,1767 |
Observations |
Clione antarctica |
Observations |
Cryodraco antarcticus |
Dollo, 1900 |
Long Fingered Icefish |
Observations |
Ctenocalanus citer |
Heron and Bowmen, 1971 |
Observations |
Ctenocalanus vanus |
Giesbrecht, 1988 |
Observations |
Daption capense |
(Linnaeus,1758) |
Cape Petrel |
Observations |
Diomedea epomophora |
Lesson,1825 |
Southern Royal Albatross |
* |
Observations |
Diomedea exulans |
Linnaeus,1758 |
Wandering Albatross |
* |
Observations |
Euchirella rostrata |
(Claus, 1866) |
Observations |
Eukrohnia hamata |
(Möbius, 1875) |
Observations |
Eukrohnia sp. |
Observations |
Euphausia superba |
Dana, 1852 |
krill |
Observations |
Euphausia triacantha |
Holt and Tattersall, 1906 |
Observations |
Fregetta grallaria grallaria |
(Vieilott, 1817) |
White-bellied Storm Petrel (Tasman Sea), White-bellied Storm-Petrel (Australasian) |
* |
Observations |
Fritillaria sp. |
Observations |
Fulmarus glacialoides |
(Smith,1840) |
Southern Fulmar |
Observations |
Halobaena caerulea |
(Gmelin,1789) |
Blue Petrel |
* |
Observations |
Haloptilus ocellatus |
Wolfenden, 1905 |
Observations |
Hydrurga leptonyx |
(Blainville,1820) |
Leopard Seal |
* |
Observations |
Lobodon carcinophaga |
(Hombron and Jacquinot,1842) |
Crabeater Seal |
* |
Observations |
Macronectes giganteus |
Gmelin,1789 |
Southern Giant Petrel |
* |
Observations |
Macronectes halli |
Mathews,1912 |
Northern Giant Petrel |
* |
Observations |
Macronectes spp. |
Giant-petrel sp. |
Observations |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
(Borowski,1781) |
Humpback Whale |
* |
Observations |
Metridia gerlachei |
Giesbrecht, 1902 |
Observations |
Nematocarcinus sp. |
Observations |
Oceanites oceanicus |
(Kuhl,1820) |
Wilson's Storm Petrel |
Observations |
Oikopleura sp. |
Observations |
Oithona similis |
Claus, 1866 |
Observations |
Ommatophoca rossii |
Gray,1844 |
Ross Seal |
* |
Observations |
Orcinus orca |
Linnaeus,1758 |
Killer Whale |
* |
Observations |
Pachyptila desolata |
(Gmelin,1789) |
Antarctic Prion |
Observations |
Pachyptila spp. |
Prion sp. |
Observations |
Pagodroma nivea |
(Forster,1777) |
Snow Petrel |
Observations |
Paraeuchaeta antarctica |
(Giesbrecht, 1902) |
Observations |
Parathemisto gaudichaudi |
Guérin, 1825 |
Observations |
Pelagobia longicirrata |
Greeff 1879 |
Observations |
Pelecanoides spp. |
Diving Petrel sp. |
Observations |
Phoebetria palpebrata |
Forster,1785 |
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross |
* |
Observations |
Physeter macrocephalus |
Linnaeus,1758 |
Sperm Whale |
* |
Observations |
Primno macropa |
Guerin-Meneville, 1836 |
Observations |
Procellaria aequinoctialis |
Linnaeus,1758 |
White-chinned Petrel |
* |
Observations |
Protopelagonemertes hubrechti |
(Brinkman 1917) |
Observations |
Pterodroma inexpectata |
(Forster,1844) |
Mottled Petrel |
Observations |
Puffinus griseus |
(Gmelin,1789) |
Sooty Shearwater |
Observations |
Puffinus spp. |
shearwater sp. |
Observations |
Puffinus spp. indet |
Short-tailed/Sooty Shearwater |
Observations |
Pygoscelis adeliae |
(Hombron and Jacquinot,1841) |
Adelie Penguin |
Observations |
Rhincalanus gigas |
Brady, 1883 |
Observations |
Sagitta gazellae |
Ritter-Zahony 1909 |
Observations |
Sagitta marri |
David 1956 |
Observations |
Sagitta sp. |
Observations |
Siphonophore nectophore |
Observations |
Spongiobranchaea australis |
d'Orbigny, 1836 |
Observations |
Sterna paradisaea |
Pontoppidan,1763 |
Arctic Tern |
* |
Observations |
Thalassoica antarctica |
(Gmelin,1789) |
Antarctic Petrel |
Observations |
Themisto gaudichaudii |
Guérin, 1825 |
Observations |
Thysanoessa macrura |
G.O Sars, 1883 |
Observations |
Thysanoessa sp. |
Observations |
Tomopteris carpenteri |
Quatrefages 1865 |
Observations |
Tomopteris sp. |
Observations |
For additional taxa, see the Search Taxonomy page of Antarctic Biodiversity.